NUDISM CHRONICLE - Modifichiamo l'art. 21 della costituzione Italiana "Sono vietate le pubblicazioni a stampa, gli spettacoli e tutte le altre manifestazioni contrarie al buon costume." Aboliamo i reati di ATTI OSCENI (Cod. Pen. titolo IX, capo I, artt. 527 e 529) e ATTI CONTRARI ALLA PUBBLICA DECENZA (Cod. Pen. libro terzo, titolo I, capo II, sez. I, art. 726)
Josh Drimmer nudo
La sua fotografia è finita sulla prima pagina del New York Post.
Prima di essere bloccato dagli agenti di polizia, Josh Drimmer, 26 anni, commediografo di Greenpoint a Brooklyn e studente di Yale, si è fermato davanti alle vetrine di vari negozi, ha controllato i messaggi sul suo telefonino, è entrato in un ristorante dove ha saltellato per un po' tra i tavoli prima di essere accompagnato alla porta.
Il sipario a Times Square è calato con l'arrivo degli agenti, che hanno bloccato il nudista.
"Hai un documento di identità con te?" gli ha chiesto un poliziotto.
Il commediografo si è fatto condurre senza obiezioni dagli agenti al Bellevue Hospital, per un controllo medico.
Helen Mirren nudista
L'attrice Helen Mirren, divenuta famosa per Calendar Girls e Caligola, ha dichiarato di sentirsi una vera nudista.
L'attrice sessantaduenne ha raccontato ai giornali di aver da sempre frequentato spiagge per nudisti e di essersi sempre sentita a suo agio.
Sia in pubblico di fronte alle telecamere che in privato, il premio oscar dichiara di non voler rinunciare al nudo nonostate molte sue colleghe con l'avanzare dell'eta' preferiscono girare solo scene vestite.
Public sex in PARIS
After having groped each other during the entire movie you watched at the MK2 theaters on either side of the bassin, you're ready to get hotter and heavier and can't wait to get home.
The elevated areas… to the left and right of the basin when you're looking north are sufficiently hidden to allow some romping around.
Sex in Chile
On a typical Friday afternoon in the Chilean capital of Santiago, hundreds gather in a leafy urban park for a few hours of sexual experimentation.
Surrounded by passing strollers, they trade partners multiple times—mostly engaging in anonymous rounds of oral sex.
When the party is over, no contact information is exchanged.
Same-gender interactions are commonplace, as the lines between hetero- and homosexuality are blurred, partly by the alcohol and drugs consumed, but also by shifting social mores held by Chilean youth, in contrast to their conservative parents.
"Ponceo is about having fun," says Natalia Fernandez, a 15-year-old with pink hair and a pierced chin.
"This time I had seven partners."
Fernandez, like many others in the park, is wearing an anime T-shirt.
Drawing inspiration from Japanese anime culture, the teens refer to themselves as "Pokemones."
Their behavior, though, doesn't quite resemble that of the cartoon characters that once obsessed young TV watchers around the world.
"It's shameless," says Gina Mazzini Aliste, a middle-aged woman in the park that day.
"They act like ponceo is a competitive sport."
Girls count up their partners just as boys do, and the bisexual activity, along with the Pokemon aesthetic, suggests that gender roles are not clearly defined.
"I'm just having fun.
I'm only 16, and I won't get hurt through ponceo because I don't go hoping to find a boyfriend," says Isidora Fernandez, who insisted on being called Frambuesa (Spanish for raspberry).
Olanda nuda
E' stata la polizia olandese ad approntare un regolamento che dovrebbe entrare in vigore dalla prossima estate 2008 in Olanda e che prevede la possibilità di avere rapporti sessuali, anche completi, in tutti i parchi del Paese: l'importante sarà rispettare gli orari, appartandosi solo dal tardo pomeriggio in poi, sistemare la coperta lontano dall'area giochi riservata ai bambini e gettare i preservativi e l'eventuale sigaretta negli appositi cestini.
La polizia invita dunque tutte le più grandi città d’Olanda - da Rotterdam a L’Aja - a seguire l’esempio di Amsterdam, dove già il libero sesso in alcuni parchi pubblici è permesso.
“Di fronte a coppie o più persone che si appartano - si legge nella bozza di regolamento inviata alle principali amministrazioni comunali - i pubblici ufficiali non devono nella maniera più assoluta disturbare le attività, fintanto che non arrechino disturbo agli altri”.
Gli agenti, proprio perchè tale comportamento non potrà più essere considerato reato, non potranno intraprendere "azioni correttive".
Englischen Garten in Munich Germany

Ебись за наследника Медвежонка!
As Praias Nudistas do Brasil
Flying in the nude

Fancy flying in the nude?
From this summer, you can.
German travel agency has started taking bookings for Europe's first nudist flight.The flight, from Erfurt to the Baltic island of Usedom, will begin in July.
55 passengers will be able to disrobe at altitude, although they will have to remain fully clothed until they board, and then put their clothes back on before disembarking.
The crew, sadly, will remain clothed for the duration of the flight - for safety reasons.
Managing director Enrico Hess said, brilliantly, "It's an unusual gap in the market.”
He went on to clarify that he doesn’t want people to “get the wrong idea”.
“It's not that we're starting a swinger club in mid-air,” he said, perhaps with a shrug of his naked shoulders.
“We're a perfectly normal holiday company."
A few drawbacks spring to mind.
Have they thought about the seats?
Will they be rigorously cleaned between flights?
Or will they be covered with those little squares of paper that you usually see on headrests? More importantly, have the passengers thought about how cold it gets on planes?
The idea behind it is to appeal to those from the old East Germany, where nudist holidays were big business in the 1970s and 80s.
They’re not the first, though.
The subtly-named Naked Air had the first ever naked, commercial flight from Miami to Cancun in 2003.
You can see the inaugural flight, in all its glory, at the company’s website.
Erotic bible

A German Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar with 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible, including a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson's hair and a nude Eve offering an apple.
"There's a whole range of biblical scriptures simply bursting with eroticism," said Stefan Wiest, the 32-year-old photographer who took the titillating pictures.
Anne Rohmer, 21, poses on a doorstep in garters and stockings as the prostitute Rahab, who is mentioned in both New and Old Testaments.
"We wanted to represent the Bible in a different way and to interest young people," she told.
"Anyway, it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that you are forbidden to show yourself nude.
"Bernd Grasser, pastor of the church in Nuremberg where the calendar is being sold, was enthusiastic about the project which is explained online.
"It's just wonderful when teenagers commit themselves with their hair and their skin to the bible," he said.